Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sampler of Customer Quilts from 2010

 This quilt has an all over spiral square panto that gives a lot of interest to the eyes.  The doggie fabric is so adorable.

 The double loops give a lot of movement to the lines and angles of Christy's pink pin wheels.

 The spiral loop on this baby blanket my mom made for great grand child #2 looks great as an all over.  The binding was attached while it was still on the long-arm frame.  It is a quick and easy way to get the binding started so that the quilt feels that much closer to being finished.

Dorean made some quilts to be auctioned for charity.  The all over meander complements the simple block style of the quilt.


  1. Looks great! I like the double loop one!

  2. Love your work! I've been sending my quilts to a long arm quilter in virginia, but now I've found you and your just down the street so to speak, I'll keep your number and start using you!!
